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ICOM Committee for Conservation -komitean kokousesite


Under ICOM there area 118 national committees, that organise ICOM’s members at a national level, advance and maintain the knowledge of the code of ethics for museums and support their members to become more international. In addition to national committees, there are international committees under ICOM that proceed the development of the museum field in specialised themes. All members of ICOM can join one or several international committees. Right to vote can though be only in one committee at the time. Both national and international committee chairpersons are members of ICOM’s advisory council.

If you are already a member and wish to join an international committee, log in to members space and fill in the application . New members can apply for both national and international committee membership with the same form.

AVICOM – ICOM International Committee for Audiovisual, New Technologies and Social Media
CAMOC – International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities
CECA – International Committee for Education and Cultural Action
CIDOC – International Committee for Documentation
CIMCIM – ICOM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Instruments and Music
CIMUSET – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology
CIPEG – International Committee for Egyptology
COMCOL – International Committee for Collecting
COSTUME – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Costume
DEMHIST – International Committee for Historic House Museums
DRMC – International Committee on Disaster Resilient Museums
GLASS – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Glass
ICAMT – International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques
ICDAD – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Decorative Arts and Design
ICEE – International Committee for Exhibition Exchange
IC ETHICS – International Committee on Ethical Dilemmas
ICFA – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Fine Arts
ICLCM – International Committee for Literary and Composers’ Museums
ICME – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography
ICMAH – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Archaeology and History
ICMEMOHRI –  International Committee of Memorial and Human Rights Museums
ICMS – International Committee for Museum Security
ICOFOM – International Committee for Museology
ICOM-CC – Committee for Conservation
ICOMAM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Arms and Military History
ICOMON – International Committee for Money and Banking Museums
ICR – International Committee for Regional Museums
ICTOP – International Committee for the Training of Personnel
INTERCOM – International Committee for Museum Management
MPR – International Committee for Marketing and Public Relations
NATHIST –International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History
SOMUS – International Committee of Social Museology
SUSTAIN – International Committee on Museums and Sustainable Development
UMAC – International Committee for University Museums and Collections