Become a Member
- With your member card you get free access or a discount on the entrance fee at many museums around the world. Different countries have different practices. Some museums have a priority queue for ICOM members, by which you avoid queuing to museum spots.
- You have the possibility of joining the International ICOM Committees and participate in the activity of its associated organizations.
- You have the possibility of participating in ICOM’s General Conference which is organized every three years.
- You can apply for representing ICOM Finland at conferences, networking events or meetings around the world.
- You get ICOM’s international newsletter in your email.
To be accepted as a fully-fledged member of the association, a private individual must be:
- Competent at some aspect of the museum’s activity, either through education or some corresponding experience, and they have to have either a full or part time employment at a museum or in some other institution or organization
- or a retired museum professional
- or an independent museum professional or consultant who respects the rules of the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums, and works for the benefit of museums, but doesn’t sell or promote any commercial products or equipment used in museums
- or some other person, who on behalf of the professional services they have provided for a National or International Committee of ICOM is considered as deserving to be an ICOM member. These members may form 10 % of the total number of members of the association at most.
A student member must be:
- a student of Metropolia’s conservation programme, or a student who has fulfilled the basic studies of Museology and has initiated the topical studies. In connection with the application form, you must include a certificate proving your having fulfilled the required studies. University graduate students are not entitled to student membership.
An institutional member of the association must be:
- a museum or a corresponding institution, or an organization to which a museum or an institution belongs or is dependent upon.
Resigning or being excluded as a member
A member can resign from the association by informing of this to the Chairman or Secretary of the Board. The resignation can also be formally made at an association meeting. The Board can exclude a member from the association, if the member has failed to pay an expired membership fee, and a year has passed since the date of expiration, or if the member in other ways has failed to fulfil the duties they have consented to fulfilling when joining, or through their conduct in the association or outside it in a considerable way has done harm to the association, or does no longer fulfil the conditions for membership stipulated by the law or the regulations of the association.
You apply for membership in ICOM using two electronic forms through which you join the Finnish National Committee and the umbrella organization seated in Paris. Membership applications are approved by the Board of the Finnish National Committee of ICOM, drawing on ICOM’s general regulations. Membership applications are processed twice a year in February and September, at the meetings of the Board of the Finnish National Committee of ICOM. When a membership application has been approved, the Secretary orders the card from ICOM’s Secretariat in Paris. The card is then delivered to the Secretary of ICOM Finland in about three weeks, after which the Secretary posts it to the member. Be prepared for a processing time of 1-2 months.
We don’t process incomplete applications, so please remember to return both applications:
- Fill out the electronic form NB! Also remember the International Committee
- Fill in your information also on the separate Paris form here
The membership fees as they were last updated by the Board of the Association
Individual members 80 €
Students and retired professionals 43 €
Organizational members I (budget – 30 000 €) 296 €
Organizational members II (budget 30 000 – 100 000 €) 379 €
Organizational members III (budget 100 000 – 1 000 000 €) 556 €
Organizational members IV (budget 1 000 000 – 5 000 000 €) 656 €
Organizational members V (budget 5 000 000 – 10 000 000 €) 747 €
Organizational members VI (budget 10 000 000 € -) 912 €