Museum of the Year
ICOM Finland and The Finnish Museums Association have granted annually three museum awards since 2014. These are the Museum of the Year, the Museum Publication of the Year and the Communication Act of the year awards. From 2021 they have also granted the Museum Shop of the Year award. In addition, the Jury may grant a Special Award.
The Award Jury is composed of seven members, four of which are selected by ICOM Finland and three by the Finnish Museums Association. The Jury is appointed for three years at a time. The Chairman of the Jury is appointed by the Board of ICOM Finland. The coordinative, administrative, secretarial and other practical services concerning the work of the Jury are the responsibility of the Finnish Museums Association. The Finnish Museums Association is also, together with possible cooperation partners, responsible for costs related to the awarding. The awards are presented annually at the great Museum Gala organized in connection with National Museum Week.